About Us

Who in the world is Da Herbal Brother Tov?

That is the question that keeps popping up in the Holistic Wellness Community and those seeking Herbalist for their desire issues. People have seen his work. Here testimonials of their journey Now let's hear from the man himself.

"It's simple. I am a believer of Christ and got my gift from him. I am a Master Gardener, a Master Forager, a Master Herbalist and a Master Healer. Herbs is my game that has taught me so much but what most important it has taught me that people has seen the light in me to trust I know how to get their bodies back right even from terminal illness. They tell you you got 6 months to live. Well I only need 3 of those months. Cancer, Lupus, Alzheimer's, Dementia, Emphysema, COPD, HIV, Aids, You name it we deal with it and can cure it the Holistic way".